* (Ruban Nielson’s) Unknown Mortal Orchestra (New Zealand) – Sex & Food (Jagjaguwar, 2018)....„funk, indie-pop, psychedelic rock” à la Prince, Frank Zappa”.
...Acesta fusese titlul de la finalul ultimei postări de pe blogul paralel VicTim of Jazz, mai pretabil stilistic aici, asta apropo și de ultimul material tocmai lansat cu regretatul Prince. Voi evidenția cu majuscule ceea ce mi-a plăcut mai mult. Găsiți la majoritatea albumelor grupate în 3 mari domenii stilistice scurte descrieri/încadrări de stil, plus numele liderului, țara de origine/rezidență, trupa sa de bază sau instrumentele principale. Link-uri către YouTube sau alte platforme similare nu o să pun de data asta cu artiștii, dar găsiți ușor multe cu majoritatea, dacă vreți.
* Ben Harper and Charlie Musselwhite – No Mercy in This Land (2018)* Big Shoes – Step On It! (2017)
* Beth Hart – Front and Center: Live from New York (2018)
* Zoe Schwarz – The Blues and I Should Have a Party (2018)
* James Harman (h-ca) - Fineprint (2018)
* Sidi Touré - Toubalbero (2018)
* Sonido Gallo Negro – Mambo Cósmico (2018)
* A Hawk and A Hacksaw - Forest Bathing (2018)...."folk, world"
* Toubab Krewe (US) - Stylo (2018)....„Mali styles & southern rock”
„That Damn Squash” - (Official Video):
Rock, Prog-Rock, Folk, Indie-Pop, Psychedelic, Electronic, Experimental, Miscelaneous, etc:
* Great Peacock - Gran Pavo Real (2018)...."Meat Loaf or The Eagles plays "americana"
* Black Stone Cherry - Family Tree (2018)...."southern rock"
* 6 String Drag - Top of the World (2018)....„Rock'n'Roll, americana”
* Blackberry Smoke – Find a Light (2018)...."southern/country rock"
* Black Rainbows - Pandaemonium (2018)...."hard rock/heavy metal, psychedelic rock"
* Lincoln Durham - And Into Heaven Came The Night (2018)....„alternative rock, southern gothic, revival punk, psycho blues, americana singer, songwriter and one-man-band musician”
* Eagle Twin – The Thundering Heard (Songs of Hoof and Horn) (2018)...."hard rock/heavy metal, psychedelic rock"
* Melvins – Pinkus Abortion Technician (2018)...."alternative rock, hard rock/heavy metal"
* The Flaming Lips - Scratching the Door: The First Recordings of the Flaming Lips (2018)...."alternative rock, psychedelic rock, remastered". Formula originară TFL pe care apare la voce și fratele liderului Wayne Coyne, Mark.
* Dead Rider – Crew Licks (2017)...."Chicago avant rock experimental trio"
* Keith Christmas - Fable Of The Wings (1970)
* Keith Christmas - Pigmy (1971)
* Keith Christmas - Brighter Day (1974)
* Keith Christmas - Stories From The Human Zoo (1976)
* Keith Christmas - Acoustica (2003)
* Esperanto (Rock Orchestra) (with Keith Christmas) - Danse Macabre (1974)...produced by Pete(r) Sinfield (King Crimson, EL&P & Premiata Forneria Marconi)
* Esperanto Rock Orchestra (UK/Belgium) - S/T (1973)
* Esperanto (Rock Orchestra) - Last Tango (1975)
Am regăsit la cantautorul britanic Keith Christmas (focalizat/recomandat de un colecționar pe pagina „Vinylmania” de pe Facebook) multe din atributele muzicii mai cunoscuților clasici Nick Drake sau Tim Buckley, mai ales pe primele albume...plus, odată cu respectivul, descoperirea unui excelent grup progresiv anglo-belgian de „pseudo-hippies” (conform Melody Maker)!
* C. Diab (bowed gtr & tr/Canada) – Exit Rumination (Injazzero, 2018)...."ambient, classical, experimental"
* C. Diab - No Perfect Wave (Injazzero, 2016)
Pe site-ul „www.bandcamp.com” acest tânăr muzician britanic stabilit la Vancouver/Canada apare cu muzica lui descrisă în înșiruirea mai lungă „classical electronic experimental ambient avant-garde avantgarde bowed guitar contemporary classical United Kingdom”, atribute în general valabile și celui care urmează și cu care a colaborat:
* Ian William Craig (voc, piano, tape improvisations, etc/Canada) - Meaning Turns to Whispers (Aguirre Records/Belgium, 2016)
* Ian William Craig - Durbe (Recital, 2017)
* Ian William Craig - Zugzwang for Fostex -cassette- (Patient Sounds Intl., 2016)
* Ian William Craig - A Turn of Breath (Recital, 2014)
* Ian William Craig - Theia and the Archive -cassette- (Vague Sound, 2013)
* Ian William Craig - A Forgetting Place (2013)
* Ian William Craig - Heretic Surface (2012)
* Ian William Craig - Cloudmarks (2012)

* Grouper (Liz Harris) - The Man Who Died in His Boat (2013)
* William Basinski - Cascade (2015)
* William Basinski - The Deluge (2015)
* William Basinski & Richard Chartier – Divertissement (2015)
* William Basinski - The Disintegration Loops I-V -5 CD- (2002-2003)
Alt ambientalist de peste ocean, deasemenea prolific și de mare calibru în acest calup, separat fără vreo legătură de I.W. Craig de un album mai vechi dar nu mai puțin apăsător/depresiv cu proiectul solo al cantautoarei Liz Harris (una dintre expresiile definitorii ale acesteia: „Mă simt incapabilă să găsesc dragostea”).
* Of Petra - So Onto Itself (2018)....4-tet britanic de „prog, fusion, funk & psychedelic”
* Christina Vantzou & John Also Bennett - Zin Taylor's Thoughts Of A Dot As It Travels A Surface (Shelter Press, 2018)
* Christina Vantzou (Belgium) - No. 4 (2018)
* Sarah Davachi - All My Circles Run (2017)....„ambient, experimental”
* Sarah Davachi - Let Night Come On Bells End The Day (2018)....„experimental ambient drone electroacoustic neo-classical Los Angeles” (conform www.bandcamp.com)
* Charlie Morrow - Toot! Too (2018)....„New York conceptualist sound artist, composer, sound poet, eventmaker”
* Charlie Morrow - Toot! -3 CD Compilation- (2011)
* Antoine Beuger (Wandelweiser) – Ockeghem Octets (2003-2005, 2017)...."classical, experimental"
* µ-Ziq (Mike Paradinas) – Challenge Me Foolish (2018)...."electronic"
* Alva Noto – Unieqav (2018)...."electronic, experimental"
* Rafiq Bhatia (from Son Lux) – Breaking English (2018)...."experimental"
* The Amazing (Christoffer Gunrup) - In Transit (2018)...."indie-pop, psychedelic rock"
* GUM (Jay Watson of Tame Impala and Pond) - The Underdog (2018)...."indie-pop, psychedelic rock"
* Paul de Jong (The Books) - You Fucken Sucker (2018)...."alternative folk, experimental"
* Cosmo Sheldrake – The Much Much How How & I (2018)...."alternative folk, indie-pop"
* Mind Over Mirrors (Jaime Fennelly) - Bellowing Sun (Paradise of Bachelors, 2018)...."alternative folk, electronic"
* Mind Over Mirrors - Undying Color -LP- (Paradise of Bachelors, 2017)

Breaking English
* L.A. Salami – The City of Bootmakers (2018)...."indie-folk-rock, singer-songwriter"
* Jeffrey Lewis (& the Deposit Returners) - Works by Tuli Kupferberg (1923-2010) (2018)...."indie-folk-rock, tribute"...album-tribut adus unuia dintre fondatorii grupului de librari/muzicieni/beatnici The Fugs.
* Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. (Japan) - Electric Dream Ecstasy (2018)...."psychedelic rock"
* Kemialliset Ystävät ("Chemical Friends") (Jan Anderzén/Finland) – Siipi Empii (2018)...."psychedelic folk"
Siipi Empii
* MIEN - S/T (2018)...."electronic, psychedelic rock"
* JJUUJJUU (Phil Pirrone) - Zionic Mud (2018)...."psychedelic indie-rock"
* Mouse on Mars - Dimensional People (Thrill Jockey, 2018)
* The Dead Brothers (Alain Croubalian) - Angst (2018)....„alternative folk, blues, dark cabaret”
* Field Report (Christopher Porterfield) - Summertime Songs (2018)...."folk-rock, pop"
* Bill MacKay (gtr) - Esker (2017)...."alternative folk"

* Jenny Wilson (voc/Sweden) - Exorcism (2018)...."art pop, electronic, singer-songwriter"
* Jenny Wilson - Demand the Impossible! (2013)
* Lucy Railton (cello/UK) - Paradise 94 (2018)...."classical, experimental"
* Laura Veirs - The Lookout (2018)...."indie-pop-folk"
* Sting & Shaggy - 44/876 -Deluxe Edition- (2018)...."pop & reggae"
* Laurence Pike (dr, perc..from PVT, Triosk, etc) - Distant Early Warning (2018)...„jazz & electronic”
* Kaleidoscope (USA) – Incredible! (1969) / Bernice (1970) [Expanded Editions] (2018)...."folk/psychedelic rock"