joi, 30 noiembrie 2023

„Too little...”: Refaceri (nu reeditări!) Peter Hammill, „Muzica lui Moondog”, Fränder II, „Povești cosmologice” poloneze în stil german, seturi „Omul invizibil” Steven Brown/Tuxedomoon, Nick „Dr. Nerve” Didkovsky, etc...„Iluziile” lui James Grigsby, noul „Beton abstract” al lui Charles Hayward (72 ani)....stoc WM 21 nov. 2023...

„Too much (good) music, so little time”....sau: 

Ușurința și rapiditatea tot mai mari în obținerea de muzici în fișierele singurului format posibil pentru accesul la atât de multe discuri vine la pachet cu un mare risc ce se poate perfid și pe nesimțite insinua, pe lângă inerția unei obișnuințe: acela de a nu fi la fel de selectivi și a nu opera cu criterii de exigență proporționale cu imensa cantitate, consecința nedorită putându-ne deturna chiar de la scopul principal, cunoașterea,dacă cumva despre pericolul „acumulare” versus „asimilare” n-am mai atenționat pe-aici... Ceea ce sigur însă am punctat e ignorarea...neproductivă (ca să nu zic mai rău, vizavi de expertiza și cultura muzicală), via „politica struțului”, a muzicilor interesante -noi, acum descoperite ori din cele reeditate- meritând, dacă nu recenzate separat, măcar a fi menționate/listate ca apariție și în limbă română. Cu reacții prea rare/sporadice  ale câtorva amici, mi-am ales alți câțiva aliați, impersonali dar fideli, cu unii întâlnindu-mă aproape zilnic: „domnii” numiți Pitchfork, Quietus, Guardian, allaboutjazz(.com), (încă?) incomensurabila platformă bandcamp(.com) ce duce direct la artiști, progarchives(.com), discogs(.com), RYM/rateyourmusic(.com).., mai ales primii 2 „P” și „Q” adevărate garanții de branduri ale căror cronici sunt recomandări în sine, „reviews”-uri la care las deoparte bunul meu plac ca să le fac loc chiar uneori și fără a asculta vre-o notă din respectivele titluri intrate în colimatorul lor (!). Dar nici măcar cu ei nu sunt exclusivist pentru a nu-mi limita preferințele a priori deja selective ca stiluri/genuri în situația perfect conștientă că n-am cum să evit subiectivismul și nici capacitatea de a „acoperi” de unul singur tot ce apare și merită evidențiat: de ex. din „indie-pop” sau „country” nu aleg aproape niciodată, din „rock”, „classical” și „folk” destul de rar (exceptând mai toate „alternative folk”!), din „jazz”, „prog-rock” sau „experimental” iau aproape toate, etc...Cel puțin încerc a omite cât mai puține din cele remarcabile și totuși se ajunge la aceste postări „stufoase” și lungi însă destul de sistematice per decadă/zile și ca ordonare stilistică, cam în ritmul altui aliat de nădejde ce l-am lăsat ultimul și în această postare dar care merită pus valoric mult mai sus, lângă Pitchfork și Quietus: Wayside Music / Cuneiform, cu seturile lor de la fiecare 7-10 zile. 

...„Confidential information, it's in a diary
This is my investigation, it's not a public inquiry...
...And what have you got, at the end of the day?
...a new set of lies, blinds on a window
And a pain behind the eyes...


* Peter HammillIn a Foreign Town & Out of Water 2023 -2 CD- (1988 & 1990, 2023)
  * Tim Bowness / Peter ChilversModern Ruins (2020)
  * Han Uil (gtr, Netherlands) - Dark in Light (2011)

* Steve HoweMotif, Volume 2 (2023)
  * Steve HoweMotif, Volume 1 (2008)
* PentangleReunions: Live & BBC Sessions 1982-2011 -2 CD- (2023)
* NektarRemember the Future -50th Anniversary 4 CD Edition- (2023)
* Mick RalphsOn the Run 1984-2013 -4 CD- (2023)
* TrapezeLost Tapes, Vol. 1 (2023)
* Atlanta Rhythm SectionTime Machine -2 CD- (2023)
* MarillionAn Hour Before It’s Dark: Live in Port Zelande -2 CD- (2023)
* Joe Jackson Joe Jackson Presents Max Champion in What a Racket! (2023)....„Max Champion's musical revival”...
* Biosphere (alias Geir Jenssen, Norway) – Inland Delta (2023)
* Amos LeeHoneysuckle Switches: The Songs of Lucinda Williams (2023)
John Medeski – The Curse (Music from the Showtime Original Series) (2023)

* Ghost Train Orchestra & Kronos QuartetSongs and Symphoniques: The Music of Moondog (2023)
...din păcate doar 2 piese aici:

Lila Downs (Mexico) – La Sánchez (2023)

* Fila BrazilliaBeatless (2023)

* Montañera (alias María Mónica Gutiérrez, Colombia/UK) – A Flor de Piel (2023)

* Kavita ShahCape Verdean Blues (2023)

* The Furrow Collective (UK/Scotland) – We Know By the Moon (2023)

* John Francis Flynn (Ireland) – Look Over the Wall, See the Sky (2023)....„alternative folk”...

* Fränder (Sweden) – II (2023)....„folk music from Sweden and Estonia”...
....primul album eponim din 2017:

Dave Evans – Elephantasia (1972, Reissue 2023)

* Ndox Electrique (France/Italy & Senegal) – Tëd ak Mame Coumba Lamba ak Mame Coumba Mbang (2023)

Ghost Woman (alias Evan Uschenko) – Hindsight Is 50/50 (2023)

All Structures Align – Cut the Engines (2023)

* Mariusz Duda (Riverside, Poland) – AFR AI D (2023)

Confusion Field (Tomi Kankainen, Finland) – Future Impact of Past Diversions (2023)
   * Confusion Field (Tomi Kankainen, Finland) – Disconnection Complete (2021)

Kate Carr – A Field Guide to Phantasmic Birds (2023)

Nicole Lachartre (France) – Mundus -3 LP- (rec '60s & '70s, rel 2023)
....6 piese din 10:

Jos Smolders, Guido Nijs & Koen Delaere (Netherlands) – Smolders / Delaere / Nijs (2023)

* Lawrence English & Werner DafeldeckerTropic of Capricorn (2023)


Ancient Grease – Women and Children First (1970, Remastered 2023)
Sean Chambers - That's What I'm Talkin About: Tribute to Hubert Sumlin (2021)
* Norman Westberg & Jacek Mazurkiewicz - First Man in the Moon (2021)
Nils Frahm - Old Friends New Friends -2 CD- (2021)
Luge (Canada) – Tall Is Just A Feeling (2018)
The Durutti Column – Another Setting (1983)
Baker Gurvitz Army - Live in Derby 1975 (2005)
Fraction – Moon Blood (1971)
Ray Owen's Moon – Moon (1971)
Crazy Mabel – Crazy Mabel (1971)

RECOMANDĂRI via bandcamp:

* Large Plants (Jack Sharp) – The Thorn (2023)
  * Large Plants (Jack Sharp) – The Carrier (2022)
  * Jack SharpGood Times Older (2020)

Nicolas Jaar - Telas (2020)
Nicolas Jaar - Nymphs (2018)          

* Nalle (Scotland) – Wilder Shores of Love (2010)
* Nalle (Scotland) – The Sirens Wave (2008)
* Nalle (Scotland) – By Chance Upon Waking (2006)

* Love Cult Take Druss (Russia) – Yr Problems (2014)
* Love Cult (Russia) – Fingers Crossed (2012)
* Love Cult / Tempera (Russia) – Split -cassette C46 Tape- (2011)

Przemysław Rudź (Poland) - Let Them Float (2016)
Przemysław Rudź (Poland) - Music For Stargazing -2 CD- (rec 2012-2016, rel 2016)
* Przemysław Rudź (Poland) - Hypnotized (2015)
* Przemysław Rudź (Poland) - Cosmological Tales (2010)
Przemysław Rudź (Poland) - Summa Technologiae (2009)
* (Wladyslaw) Komendarek & (Przemysław) Rudź (Poland) - Unexplored Secrets of REM Sleep (2012)

Han Uil (gtr, Netherlands) - Walking in Circles (2022)
Han Uil (gtr, Netherlands) - Esoteric Euphony (2019)
Han Uil (gtr, Netherlands) - Lawless Local Heroes (2015)

* gracerooms (Gre Vanderloo, Netherlands) - Cartoon Smiles (2022)
* gracerooms - Surfin the Scratchness (2018)
* gracerooms - Otherfalls (2015)
* gracerooms - its all good (2012)
* gracerooms (gregoor van der loo, Netherlands) - you may find yourself (2008)

* Häx Cel (Germany) – Häxcellent (2001)
* Häx Cel (Germany) – Second Time (1998)
* Häx Cel (Germany) – Zwai -live- (1972)

* Charles-Eric Charrier - Oldman (Joint Venture Records, 2011)
* Charles-Eric Charrier - Silver -2 CD- (Experimedia, 2011)

               Steven Brown, Blaine L. Reininger, Tuxedomoon....
Steven Brown - El Hombre Invisible (2022)
Steven Brown - Subway to Cathedral (2020)
Steven Brown Tuxedomoon - Nine Rain: Live in Berlin 2002 (2021)
Steven Brown Tuxedomoon - El Informe Toledo -O.S.T.- (2011)
Blaine L. Reininger & Steven Brown - Monte Albán (2016)
Blaine L. Reininger & Steven Brown - Flower Songs -live in Mexico, 1993- (2006)

Doctor Nerve (with Charles O'Meara & Valeria Vasilevski) – The Monkey Farm (2009)
Doctor Nerve – Every Screaming Ear (1997)
Nick Didkovsky & Guigou Chenevier – Body Parts (2000)
Nick Didkovsky (with René Lussier, Fred Frith, Mark Stewart & Mark Howell) – Binky Boy (1997)
Nick Didkovsky - Now I Do This (rec 1980-82, rel 2021)
Seagull Brain (Mark Howell, Chris Cochrane, Nick Didkovsky) - S/T (2023)
Swim This (Gerry Hemingway / Nick Didkovsky / Michael Lytle) - S/T (2020)
Zinc Nine Psychedelic (Dave Ballou, Nick Didkovsky & Kevin Norton) - S/T (2020)
CHORD - Chord (2018)
CHORD - Chord III (2020)
CHORD - Chord IV (2021)

* James Grigsby (Motor Totemist Guild) – Illusions (2022)

                                                                                                        Abstract Concrete

* Abstract Concrete (Charles Hayward) – Abstract Concrete (2023)


                              WAYSIDE (non-jazz) MUSIC 21 nov. 2023

- Acqua Fragile (Italy) - Moving Fragments (2023)
- Le Orme (Italy) - Le Orme and Friends -3 CD- (2023)
- David Bowie - Tokyo 1978 -live- (2016)
- David Sancious & Tone - Dance of the Age of Enlightenment (1977)
- District 97 - Screens (2019)
- Grails - Take Refuge In Clean Living (2008)
- Kensington Market (Canada) - Avenue Road (2008)
- McKenna Mendelson Blues (Canada) - McKenna Mendelson Blues (1968)
- Motowns - Motowns (1971)
- Renaissance - A Song for All Seasons -3 CD- (1978, 2019)
 - The Townsmen (Canada) - Various
- V.A. - Mondo Hollywood -O.S.T.- (1967)
- V.A. - The Cycle Savages (Music from the Original Soundtrack) (1970)
- V.A. (Canada) - The Gaiety Records Story II (2003)
- V.A. (Don Sebesky) - The People Next Door -O.S.T.- (1970)

marți, 21 noiembrie 2023

''De toate pentru toți”: „Asta-i ceea ce rămâne”, „Poveștile unui anticar”, „Circul întunecat și cald”...


* Frank Zappa & The Mothers Over-nite Sensation -50th Anniversary 4 CD (+ DVD) Edition- (2023)
* Thin Lizzy - Vagabonds of the Western World -Deluxe 3 CD Edition- (1973, 2023)
* Bryan FerryMamouna -Deluxe 3 CD Edition- (rec 1989-1993, rel 2023)
* John DenverThe Last Recordings (rec. 1996, rel. 2023)

* FoghatSonic Mojo (2023)
* The KinksThe Journey, Part 2 -2 CD- (2023)
* Vince ClarkeSongs of Silence (2023)
* MadnessTheatre of the Absurd presents C’est La Vie (2023)
* Blaine L. Reininger Ocean Planet (2023)
* Kenny Wayne ShepherdDirt On My Diamonds, Vol. 1 (2023)
* John Greaves, Annie Barbazza Earthly Powers (2023)
.....''from contemporary classics to real jazz, from experimental to classical music from both western and eastern cultures''....

V.A. – Too Slow to Disco pres Yacht Soul: The Cover Versions 2 (2023)

Show of Hands (Steve Knightley & Phil Beer) – Roots 2: The Best of Show of Hands -2 CD- (2023).....''acoustic roots/folk''....
  * Show of Hands (Steve Knightley & Phil Beer) – Roots 1: The Best of Show of Hands -2 CD- (2007)
Juliana Hatfield – Juliana Hatfield Sings ELO (2023)

Daneshevskaya (alias Anna Beckerman) – Long Is the Tunnel (2023)

Välvē (Chlöe Herington) – Tiny Pilots (2023)

Asha Sheshadri – Whiplash (2023)

ML Buch (Denmark) – Suntub (2023)

Little Tragedies (Russia) - Don Quixote (2023)
Lucidvox (Russia) – That’s What Remained (2023)

* Paul RolandWyrd Tales Of An Antiquary (2023)

Daniel Bachman – When the Roses Come Again (2023)

Luther Dickinson – Magic Music for Family Folk (2023)

Unknown Mortal Orchestra – V (2023)
  * Unknown Mortal Orchestra – II (2013)

David Longdon and The Magic Club – Wild River (2004, 2023)

Ben McElroy – Beacons of the Wilderness (2023)

* Joseph Allred (gtr) – New Jerusalem (2023)

* Bounaly (gtr, Mali) – Dimanche à Bamako (2023)
Vumbi Dekula – Congo Guitar (2023)
Assiko Golden Band De Grand Yoff (Senegal) – Magg Tekki (2023)

Amor Muere (Mexico) – A time to love, a time to die (2023)

Lenhart Tapes (Serbia) – Dens (2023)

* Ali Sethi & Nicolas Jaar (Pakistan & Chile, USA) – Intiha (2023)

* Third Coast PercussionBetween Breaths (2023)
* Osmo LindemanElectronic Works (2023)
* HoundsteethHold Your Horses (2023)
* Bruce BrubakerEno Piano (2023)

* Les Rallizes Dénudés (Japan) – Baus '93 -live- (2023)
* Umeko Ando (Japan) – Upopo Sanke (2003, Reissue 2023)
  * Umeko Ando (Japan) – Ihunke (2001)
99LETTERS (Japan) – Zigoku (2023)

* Harry Roesli (Gang) (Indonesia) – Titik Api -cassette- (1976)

* Speakers Corner QuartetFurther Out Than the Edge (2021)

* The New Cactus BandSon of Cactus (1973)

* Free Form Funky FreqsHymn of the 3rd Galaxy (2022)
* Free Form Funky Freqs (Jamaaladeen Tacuma, Vernon Reid & G. Calvin Weston) – Bon Vivant (2013)
* Free Form Funky Freqs.Urban Mythology, Volume One (2007)

* Mourning Knight - A World of Dreams (2023)

* Retreat from Moscow (Wales) - Dreams, Myths and Machines (2023)

Elio e le Storie Tese (Italy) – Figgatta de Blanc (2016)
* Periferia del Mondo (Italy) - Nel Regno dei Ciechi (2013)
* Periferia del Mondo (Italy) - Un Milione di Voci (2002)
* Periferia del Mondo (Italy) - In Ogni Luogo, In Ogni Tempo (2000)

* Proken (Germany) - Dividing Times (2023)
* Supersempfft (Germany) – Metaluna (1982, re-release Bureau B 2023)
  * Supersempfft (Germany) – Cosmotropics (2020)
  * Supersempfft (Germany) – Roboterwerke (1979)
Mouth (Germany) – Out of the Vortex (2020)! (Germany) – Wings of Freedom Tour - Spring 2014 -2 CD- (2014)

* Kozmonaut (“Hans Schiller” alias Michael Gutierrez, Canada/USA) – Flieg (1986, 2017)

* The LotharsMeet the Lothars (1998)
* The LotharsOscillate My Metallic Sonatas (2000)
* Windy & Carl / The Lothars& Windy & Carl & The Lothars (2001)

* Matt Davignon - SoftWetFish (2006)
* Matt Davignon - Bwoo (2005)

* Marconi Union - [Distance] (2012)
* Marconi Union - Tokyo (2009)
* Marconi Union - A Lost Connection (2008)

* Manet (Norway) - The Dark Shuffle (2019)
* Manet (Norway) - Devour (2017)
* Manet (Norway) - I Sense Owls In The Moss (2015)
* Manet (Norway) - Tussmørke (2014)

* Big City (Spain) - A spring of Summers (2003, 2014)
* Carrots (Spain) - All It Takes Is a Little Confidence! (2004)
* El Niño Gusano (Spain) - Circo Luso (1995)
* El Niño Gusano (Spain) - El Efecto Lupa (1996)
* El Regalo de Silvia (Spain) - Fantastic Circus (1995)
* Jubilee (Spain) - A Place Called Home (2010, 2014)

Radian (Austria) – Distorted Rooms (2023)
* Illusions of an Orange (Austria) - Into the Orangeverse (2023)
* Illusions of an Orange (Austria) - First Illusions (2003)

* Mellow Beast - Reactor (2023)

* Stow Lake Flite (rec 1970-71, rel 2023)
* Electric Funeral (Swiss) - The Wild Performance -LP- (rec. 1970, Sommor 2019)
* Elektro Hafiz (Turkey/Germany) - Elektro Hafiz (2016)

* Les Marquises (Jean-Sébastien Nouveau & Martin Duru) - La Battue (2020)
* Les Marquises - Le Tigre de Tasmanie (EP) -O.S.T.- (2018)
* Les Marquises - Pensée magique (2014)
* Les Marquises (France & USA) - Lost Lost Lost (2010)
* Minizza (France) - Le voyage au Groenland (2016)

Michael Gordon & Cello Octet Amsterdam - 8 (Cantaloupe, 2021)
Michael Gordon - Timber (Cantaloupe, 2011)
Michael Gordon - Trance (1995, Cantaloupe 2004)
Michael Gordon - Horizon (2019)
Michael Gordon - Dystopia (2015)

* Mirt (Poland) - Artificial Field Recordings (2016)
* Mirt (Poland) - Journey Through the City...(2004)

* Dromedar (Norway) - Human Condition (2023)

* Mr. Smolin & Double Naught Spy CarHeaven's Not High (2013)

                           WAYSIDE (non-jazzy) MUSIC 14 nov. 2023

Jack O' the Clock - The Warm, Dark Circus (2023)

- Bill Fay - Still Some Light, Part 2 (2022)
....Part 1:
- Chelsea Light Moving (Thurston Moore new band) - Chelsea Light Moving (2013)
- Club of Rome (alias Asmus Tietchens, Germany) - Grosse Statik -cassette- (1985)
- Freedom (France) - Freedom at Last (1970)
- Happy End (Japan) - Happy End (1970)
- Morse Code (Canada) - Je suis le temps (1977)
- Morse Code (Canada) - Procreation (1976)
- Pascal Comelade and The Limiñanas - Boom Boom! (2023)
- Paul r. Harding, Michael Bisio & Juma Sultan - They Tried to Kill Me Yesterday (2023)
- Pauline Anna Strom - Echoes, Spaces, Lines -4 CD- (2023)
- Scott Bradford (keybs) - Rock Slides (1969)
- Stephen O’Malley & Anthony Pateras - Sept duos pour guitar acoustique et piano préparé -2 LP- (2023)
  - Stephen O’Malley & Anthony Pateras - Rêve Noir (2018)
  - Stephen O'Malley & Anthony Pateras - Niet So (2011)
- Tu-Ner - T-1 Contact Information -2 CD- (2023)
....3 piese:
- V.A. - In Fractured Silence (1984)

sâmbătă, 11 noiembrie 2023

„....You Don' t Have Enough”: Gong, David Cross Band, Univers Zero, Matmos...François Thollot, Chromb!...Asken Yggdrasil...Mary Ocher, PoiL Ueda...Discrepant (set)...WM 31 oct. & 7 nov. 2023 (French TV 15!)


* Jellyfish Kiss (UK) – Animal Rites (1990)
* Jellyfish Kiss (UK) – Plank (rec 1989, rel 1990)


* Van MorrisonAccentuate The Positive (2023)
* Jimmy BuffettEqual Strain On All Parts (2023)
* Jean-Michel JarreOXYMOREWORKS (2023)
* Tangerine DreamThe Sessions Box Set: United Kingdom & Ireland 2022 -8 CD live- (2022)
* Gong Unending Ascending (2023)
* David Cross Band - Ice Blue, Silver Sky (2023)
* Univers Zero (or Univers Zéro) (Belgium) – Lueur (2023)

Matmos – Return to Archive (2023)

* Galya Bisengalieva (vln, Kazakhstan/UK) – Polygon (2023)
* Qow (Sherine Abdel-Wahab, Egypt/Czechia) – El Mosameh Sherine (2023)
* Hilary WoodsActs of Light (2023)
* You Are Wolf (Kerry, Ireland) – hare // hunter // moth // ghost (2023)
* Kelly HuntOzark Symphony (2023)
* Rostro Del Sol (Mexico) - Blue Storm (“Kinich Ahau“) (2023)

* Flora Yin-Wong – Cold Reading (2023)
Dirty Honey - Can't Find the Brakes (2023)

Sun (Australia) – Sun 1972 -2 CD- (2023)
* The Bamboos (Australia) – This Is How You Do It (2023)
* The Black Heart Death Cult (Australia) - Pin Drops -LP- (2023)

* François Thollot (SCHERZOO, France) – Maybe (2023)
* Chromb! (France) - Cinq (2023)


* This Winter Machine - The Clockwork Man (2023)
* Dire Wolves (DWLVS) – Easy Portals (2023)
* Jakob Battick Slow Motion Summer (2023)

* Jack RutterThis Is Something Constant (2023)
   * Jack RutterHills (2017)

* New Age DoomThere Is No End (2023)

* Bonnacons of DoomSigns (2023)
   * Bonnacons of DoomS/T (2018)

* Marnie SternThe Comeback Kid (2023)

* Rid of MeAccess to the Lonely (2023)
* ATA Records: The Library Archive Vol. 3 (2023)
   * ATA Records: The Library Archive Vol. 2 (2021)
   * ATA Records: The Library Archive Vol. 1 (2020)

* El Búho (alias Robin Perkins) – Strata (2023)

Old Fire – Iterations (2023)
* Titanic (Mabe Fratti & Héctor Tosta/a.k.a. “I. la Católica”, Mexico) – Vidrio (2023)

* MOSTRO (Lucas Wyssbrod, Argentina) – Coágulos (2023)
* ONIPA (“Human”) (Ghana/UK) – Off the Grid (Real World Records, 2023)
* ABADIR (Egypt) – Ison (2023)
* Nídia (Cape Verde/Guinea-Bissau/Portugal) – 95 MINDJERES (“95 Women“) (2023)
* Wax Machine (Lau Ro, Brazil/Italy/UK) – The Sky Unfurls, the Dance Goes On (2023)
* Bill Laswell & Pete NamlookOutland -5 CD Box-Set- (rec 1994-2007, rel 2023)
La Mujer Barbuda (Franco Fontanarrosa, Argentina) – Música para cuando aparece un monstruo (2008)
* Pauline Oliveros / Guy Klucevsek - Sounding / Way (1986, Important Records 2019)
* Asken Yggdrasil (Lars ”Lachen” Jonsson & Mats Jonsson) - Asken Yggdrasil (Bauta Records, 2020)
....„ultimul mohican” care-mi liprea din catalogul suedez Bauta Records (!!)

* Art Feynman (alias Luke Temple) – Be Good the Crazy Boys (2023)

* MFSBMysteries of the World (1980)
* Besides (Poland) – Bystanders Live: Concert in Canteen (2020)

* Hector Zazou & Bernard Caillaud – Quadri + Chromies (2005)

* Jeremy's Aura (Jeremy Costa, Canada) – On the Backs of Giants (2018)
* Jeremy's Aura (Jeremy Costa, Canada) – Stop What You're Doing (2015)
* Jeremy's Aura (Jeremy Costa, Canada) – Being and Becoming... (2014)

* Kuruu Crew (Japan) – Kuruu Crew (2016)
* Kuruu Crew (Japan) – Grind Mirrorball (2010)
* Kuruu Crew (Japan) – Battle Disco (2008)

* Volapük (France) – Slang! (Cuneiform, 1997)
* Volapük (France) – Le Feu du Tigre (Cuneiform, 1995)
* Volapük (France) – Polyglöt (Cuneiform, 2000)

* Smegma I Am Not Artist (1973-1988) -6 LP Box Set- (2010)

* The Leo Bugariloves (Finland) – ''Hits & Misses'' Compilation 1988-2002 -2 CD- (2013)

* Ilmo SmokehouseIlmo Smokehouse...Plus (1970, 2 LP 2017)
* Love Spirals Downwards Flux (1998)
* Mekong Delta (Germany) – The Music of Erich Zann (1988)
* Forma Tadre (alias Andreas Meyer, Germany) – The Music of Erich Zann (2008)

* Alina Kalancea - Letters Never Sent (2023)
....„Highly recommended to fans of Alessandro Cortini, Caterina Barbieri, Shasta Cults”...
* Alina Kalancea - Alchemy (2023)
* Alina Kalancea - Impedance (2021)

* Mary OcherApproaching Singularity:Music for The End of Time (2023)
....„experimental avant-garde avant-pop electronic field recordings folk minimalism synth Berlin”...


* PoiL Ueda (France & Japan) - Yoshitsune (2023)
....„între energia punk-ului, frumusețea muzicii de cameră și haosul unei fabrici în pragul exploziei”...

Reinier van Houdt, Bruno Duplant – Lettres et Replis (2019)
Bruno Duplant – Little Arrangements with Myself (Zpoluras Archives, 2009)

Philippe Doray & Les Asociaux Associés (France) – Nouveaux Modes Industriels (1980)
Philippe Doray & Les Asociaux Associés (France) – Ramasse-Miettes Nucléaire (1977)
Ruth (France) – Polaroïd/Roman/Photo (1985, remaster 2010)

* The Leo Bugariloves (Finland) – "Hits & Misses" Compilation 1988-2002 -2 CD- (2013)

                    Discrepant & sublabels
* Babau - Stock Fantasy Zone (Sucata Tapes, 2022)
* Billie Bottle's Temple of Shibboleth - The Mending Tour (Live) (2023)
* Cédric Stevens - The Syncopated Elevators Legacy -2 CD- (2012)
* Chupame El Dedo - S/T (2016)
* GAF & The Love Supreme Arkestra (Canary Islands) - Garden Island (2022)
* Hour of the Wolf - S/T (Sucata Tapes, 2019)
* Meridian Brothers V - El Advenimiento del Castillo Mujer (2016)
* Monopoly Child Star Searchers - Barbados Wild Horses (2023)
* Monopoly Child Star Searchers - Make Mine, Macaw (2018)
* Monopoly Child Star Searchers - Bamboo For Two (2010)
* My Cat Is An Alien - Art Is a Tear of Noise and Infinite Silence -2 LP- (2012)
* Panchasila - S/T -cassette- (2018)
* São Paulo Underground & Tupperwear - Saturno Mágico (Keroxen, 2021)

                                 WAYSIDE MUSIC 31 oct & 7 nov 2023

- Billie Bottle's Temple of Shibboleth - Billie Bottle's Temple of Shibboleth (S/T) (2023)
- Fresh Maggots (Mick Burgoyne & Leigh Dolphin) - Fresh Maggots... Hatched (1971)
- Girma Yifrashewa (p-no, Ethiopia & Bulgaria) - My Strong Will (2023)
   - Girma Yifrashewa (p-no, Ethiopia & Bulgaria) - Love & Peace (2014)
- Gong - Live in Lyon 14 Dec 1972 -2 CD- (2023)
   - Grateful Dead - 30 Trips Around The Sun San Diego, CA [Live 1973.11.14] -3 CD-
   - Ike Turner & His Kings of Rhythm - Early Times (2006)
- Jefferson Airplane - Live at the Fillmore Auditorium 11.25. 66 & 11.27.66 (We Have Ignition) -2 CD- (2010)
- Lenny Bruce - The Berkeley Concert (1969)
- Lenny Bruce - The Sick Humor of Lenny Bruce (1959)
- Lord Buckley - A Most Immaculately Hip Aristocrat (1969)
- Lori Vambe (drums & drumgita, Zimbabwe/UK) - Space-Time Dreamtime: The Four Dimensional Music of Lori Vambe (2023)
- Renaldo M - They Blessed the Body Breadcrumbed (2023)
- The Residents - Sam's Enchanted Evening -2 CD- (2011)
- Sékou Batourou Kouyaté (Mali) - Sékou Batourou Kouyaté et sa Cora (1976, CD 2013)
   - Various - Mali: Cordes Anciennes = Mali: Ancient Strings (1970, CD ????)
   - The Bystanders (Wales) - Birth of Man (1965-1968) (1990)

French TV - 15: A Ghastly State of Affairs (2023)
   - French TV#10: I Forgive You For All My Unhappiness (2010)
   - French TV Number Eleven: Ambassadors Of Good Health And Clean Living (2016)
   - French TVNumber Twelve: Operation: Mockingbird (2017)  
- Cormorano (Italy) - Obliquizioni d'Autunno....prima che l'aquilone se ne voli via (2023)
- Il Cerchio d'Oro (Italy) - Pangea e le tre lune (2023)
- Glass Hammer - Arise (2023)
- Hawk - African Day (1971)
- Jethro Tull - Live in Chicago (Benefit: The 50th Anniversary Enhanced Edition, DISC 4) (1970, 2021)
- July - The Wight Album -2 CD- (2020)
- Pere Ubu - Ray Gun Suitcase (1995)
- Sarah Davachi feat. Quatuor Bozzini - Long Gradus: Arrangements -4 CD- (2023)
- V.A. - Mixed Up Minds, Part Seven: Obscure Rock & Pop from the British Isles 1969-1974 (Remastered) (2013)
- V.A. - Mixed Up Minds, Part Eleven: Obscure Rock & Pop from the British Isles 1970-1974 (2016)
- V.A. - Mixed Up Minds, Part Thirteen: Obscure Rock & Pop from the British Isles 1969-1973 (2018)
- V.A. - Mixed Up Minds, Part Fourteen: Obscure Rock & Pop from the British Isles 1970-1975 (2019)
    - V.A. - Mixed Up Minds, Part Two: Obscure Rock & Pop from the British Isles 1969-1973 (2010)
    - V.A. - Mixed Up Minds, Part Ten: Obscure Rock & Pop from the British Isles 1969-1974 (2015)

miercuri, 1 noiembrie 2023

„Music crossing borders”, selecții 21-31 oct. 2023


Van MorrisonBeyond Words: Instrumental (2023)
Al Kooper – The Complete MusicMasters Recordings -3 CD- (2023)
* Edgar Broughton Break the Dark (2023)

* Robin Trower (feat. Sari Schorr)Joyful Sky (2023)
* OMD (Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark) – Bauhaus Staircase (2023)
* Future Sound of London Environment 7.003 (2023)
The Art of Noise – Worship With The Art of Noise (1983, 2023)
LaibachNova Akropola -Expanded 2 LP Edition- (1985, 2023)
* Nitin SawhneyIdentity (2023)
* King Gizzard & The Lizard WizardThe Silver Cord -2 CD- (2023)

* Robert FinleyBlack Bayou (2023)
* Leo Robinson (Scotland) – The Temple (2023)
* Jerry Leger (Canada) – Donlands (2023)
Jonah Tolchin – Dockside (2023)
Son Lux (alias Ryan Lott) – Lanterns [Special Edition] (2023)
The Third Mind – The Third Mind 2 (2023)
* Pink FairiesScrewed Up (2023)

Martin Rev (Suicide) – The Sum of Our Wounds: Cassette Recordings 1973-85 (2023)
Silver Apples & Makoto Kawabata – Mirage (2023)
  * Silver Apples – Silver Apples (1968)

* Reverend Kristin Michael HayterSAVED! (2023)
* Jane Remover Census Designated (2023)
Gazelle Twin – Black Dog (2023)
* Myrkur (alias Amalie Bruun) – Spine (2023)
Sofia Kourtesis (Peru/Germany) – Madres (2023)
Hinako Omori – stillness, softness… (2023)

ØXN (Ireland) – CYRM (2023)
* Lalù (France) – The Fish Who Wanted To Be King (2023)
Rival Sons – Lightbringer (2023)
The Cadillac Three – The Years Go Fast (2023)
Divine Horsemen – Bitter End of a Sweet Night (2023)
Gold Dime – No More Blue Skies (2023)

Pausis (Theodore Koumartzis & guests, Greece) – Pausis (2023)

* District 97Stay for the Ending (2023)
* Honey Island Swamp BandCustom Deluxe (2023)
* V.A. (Mehmet Aslan) Senza Decoro Liebe + Anarchia in Switzerland 1980-1990 (2023)
* Black to Comm (Marc Richter) – At Zeenath Parallel Heavens (2023)
* Drift Lab (with Matteo Mancuso, Italy) Moonlight (2023)
Mutual Benefit – Growing at the Edges (2023)
* Emptyset Ash -EP- (2023)
* Harmonious Thelonious (alias Stefan Schwander, Germany) – Cheapo Sounds (2023)
...primele 3 piese:
* Forest Swords (a.k.a. Matthew Barnes) – Bolted (2023)
* Bex BurchThere is only love and fear (2023)
* TaxiCab Verses (Jim Wilson & co) – Is What You Make It (2023)
* Black PumasChronicles of a Diamond (2023)
* Judgitzu (alias Julien Hairon, France) – Sator Arepo (2023)

                                      WAYSIDE MUSIC 24 oct. 2023

The Residents – Disfigured Night (2017)
Blurt (Ted Milton, Chris Vine & Paul Widgens) - Pagan Strings Live in Budapest (1993)
DAAU (Belgium) - Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung (1995)
Hauschka (alias Volker Bertelmann) - Philanthropy (2023)
MX-80 SOUND - Better Than Life (2023)
Proud Peasant - Communion (2023)
Steve Roach - Sanctuary of Desire -2 CD- (2023)
T.A.P. - Paradigms (2023)
  - The Final Solution - Live at the Matrix, San Francisco (1966)

Completări la catalogul casei suedeze Bauta Records:

* Na Margon (Ronnie Ehrs) – Death's Angel -EP- (Bauta Records, 1993)
* Sten Sandell (Sweden) – Frames -live- (Bauta Records, 1994)
  * Sten Sandell (Sweden) – Solid Musik (Nuscope Recordings, 2002)

....și câteva seturi de spicuiri și completări cu alte nume sugerate, cum s-ar zice „de la lume adunate și-napoi la lume date”:

Family Dynamics – Service (rec 2012, rel 2023)

* Stars Like FleasDWARS Session: Live on Radio VPRO (Amsterdam) (rec 2009, rel 2020)
* Stars Like FleasThe Ken Burns Effect (2008)
* Stars Like FleasSun Lights Down on the Fence (rec 2000-2002, rel 2003)

* Jakob BattickGoat-Horned Moon Live (2023)
* Jakob BattickRabbit's Moon (2021)
* Jakob BattickTo Be Born Again & Again (2018) **

* Jasun Martz & The Intercontinental Philharmonic OrchestraCorrosion -The Essential Noise, Soundscapes & Cacophony of Jasun Martz- A Retrospective (2017)
* Jasun MartzChroma- The Essential Keyboard Music of Jasun Martz- A Retrospective (2017)
* Jasun MartzThe Pillory: The Battle -2 CD- (2005) **

* Tryo (Chile) - Suramérica (2023)
* Tryo (Chile) - Intersección (Special Version with Ensamble Siglo XX) (2022)
* Tryo (Chile) - Órbitas (2016)
* Tryo (Chile) - Dos Mundos (2002)
* Tryo (Chile) - Crudo (1998)
.....TRYO (Chile) - Antología Eléctrica - 2018:

* Aguaviva (Spain) - Grandes Éxitos -2 CD- (2008) (CD 2)
* Aguaviva (Spain) - Cosmonauta -EP- (1971)

* Mula PoiL (Colombia & France) – S/T (2018)

* Luc Ferrari (France) – Photophonie: Bandes Magnetiques Inedites (1973-1992) (2019)

* David Thomas & The Wooden BirdsMonster Walks the Winter Lake -LP- (1986)
* David Thomas and The Wooden BirdsBlame the Messenger -LP- (1987)
....și un „remember” cu trupa de bază a „mastermind”-ului :

* Frank Zappa & The MothersRainbow Theatre London, England December 10, 1971 -3 LP- (Zappa Records, 2022) fața C a triplului set cu sunet de „bootleg”, aici:

* Jan Dukes de GreyStrange Terrain (rec. 1976-77, rel. 2010)
....„Sun Symphonica” [HQ Audio] Mice and Rats in the Loft 1971

Cosmic Singularity - Invisible Enemy (2021)
Hawklords - Space (2023)
Jordsjø (Norway) - Salighet (2023)
The Chronicles of Father Robin (Norway) - The Songs & Tales of Airoea: Book I (2023)
Jumbo Pimp - Artichoke Heart (2023)
Massimo Pupillo – Our Forgotten Ancestors (2023)

The Arc Light Sessions - 6 Albums 2020-2023