Le-am ordonat pe țări și zone geografice. Sunt doar o parte din ce a apărut în ultimele circa 2 luni, plus câteva descoperiri mai vechi sau anterioare ale respectivilor. Extensia înțelesului semantic obișnuit pentru genul elastic „Prog Rock” e implicită, de ex. am inclus aici și unele albume care merg foarte bine încadrate la „electronica”.
Am „colorat” postarea și cu câteva coperți la albumele care mi s-au părut mai interesante. Atenție, aceasta e o postare mai ales de semnalare și întro mult mai mică măsură de recomandare, dată fiind superficialitatea cu care-am trecut peste multe albume bifate cu una singură bucată audiție integrală sau nici atât, doar citind câte ceva despre...sau bazându-mă pe unele analogii sau pe ce știam dinainte.
Cine e curios și vrea, o poate face selectiv focalizând mai amănunțit, orice semn de revenire pentru mine la albumul x sau y ca să schimbăm impresii ar fi bine-venit.
* Heroin in Tahiti (Italy) - Remoria (2017)
* Sonic Jesus (Tiziano Veronese Project) - Grace (2017)
* Il Bacio Della Medusa (Italy) - Deus Lo Vult (2012)
* Rob(U)rang (Belgium) - Ofò (2016)
* Electric Moon (Germany) - Stardust Rituals (2017)...."Stoner Rock, Psychedelic, Krautrock"
* Samsara Blues Experiment (Germany) - One with the Universe (2017)
* Son Of The Velvet Rat (Georg Altziebler/Netherlands) - Dorado (2017)
* TATRAN (Israel) - Soul Ghosts -Live Concert at Zappa Tel Aviv- (2015)....„Math Rock, Post-Rock/Prog Rock, Jazz Fusion”
* TATRAN (Dan Mayo, Offir Benjaminov, Tamuz Dekel/Israel) - Shvat (2014)
* Kikagaku Moyo (Japan) - House In The Tall Grass (2016)
* Kikagaku Moyo (Japan) - Stone Garden (2017)
* Phew (Japan) - Light Sleep -LP- (Mesh-Key, 2017)
* Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. feat. Pika (Japan) - Astro Infinity Discotheque (2017)
* Kikagaku Moyo (Japan) - Stone Garden (2017)
* Phew (Japan) - Light Sleep -LP- (Mesh-Key, 2017)
* Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O. feat. Pika (Japan) - Astro Infinity Discotheque (2017)
* Solstafir (Island) - Berdreyminn (2017)
* Frutería Toñi (Spain) - Mellotron En Almibar (2014)
* Deep Limbic System (Mexico) - The Embryo -Extended Version- (2016)
* Parazit (Mexico) - Paradigm Paralysis (2017)
* POND (Australia) - The Weather (2017)
* Deep Limbic System (Mexico) - The Embryo -Extended Version- (2016)
* Parazit (Mexico) - Paradigm Paralysis (2017)
* POND (Australia) - The Weather (2017)
Solstafir - Berdreyminn
* Monsters and Puppets (Denmark/Norway) (Maria Kannegaard & Thomas Strønen) - S/T (Gigafon, 2011)
* Tusmørke (Norway) - Hinsides (2017)
* Tusmørke (Norway) - Fort Bak Lyset (2016)
* Tusmørke (Norway) - Elektriske Skrekkøgler og Forhistoriske Framtidsfabler (2015)
* Tusmørke (Norway) - Underjordisk Tusmorke (2012)
* Bjørn Riis (Norway) - Forever Comes to an End (2017)
* White Willow (Norway) - Future Hopes (2017)
* Shaman Elephant (Norway) - Crystals (2017)
* Ulver (Norway) - The Assassination of Julius Caesar (2017)
* Flowers Must Die (Sweden) - Kompost (2017)
* Rikard Sjöblom (ex-Beardfish) - The Unbendable Sleep (2016)* Rikard Sjöblom's Gungfly (Sweden) - On Her Journey To The Sun (2017)
* Nad Sylvan (Hugh Eric Stewart/Sweden) - The Bride Said No (2017)
* Träd, Gräs och Stenar (Sweden) – Tack För Kaffet / "So Long" (2017)
...."The last recordings from the original band members"
* Onségen Ensemble (Finland) - Awalaï (2016)
* Adrenaline Mob - We The People (2017)
* Algiers - The Underside Of Power (2017)
* Dirtwire - Showdown (2017)
* Dream Machine - The Illusion (2017)
* Elder - Reflections of a Floating World (2017)
* Dreissk - To Nowhere (2017)* Algiers - The Underside Of Power (2017)
* Dirtwire - Showdown (2017)
* Dream Machine - The Illusion (2017)
* Elder - Reflections of a Floating World (2017)
* Ulaan Passerine - Moss Cathedral (2016)
* Wear Your Wounds (Jacob Bannon) - Dunedevil (2017)
* Wear Your Wounds (Jacob Bannon) - WYW (2017)
* Jlin (Jerrilynn Patton) - Black Origami (Planet Mu, 2017)
* Entrance (Guy Blakeslee) - Book of Changes (2017)
* Morning Teleportation - Salivating for Symbiosis (2017)
* $hit & $hine (Craig Clouse) – Total $hit! (2017)
* Oxbow - Thin Black Duke (2017)
* Taarka - Fading Mystery (2017)
* The Black Angels - Death Song (2017)
* Shadowgraphs - Venomous Blossoms (2017)
* Wolf Eyes - Undertow (2017)
* Blackfoot Gypsies - To the Top (2017)
* The String Cheese Incident – Believe (2017)
* Sun Araw (Cameron Stallones) - The Saddle of the Increate (2017)
* The Spirit of the Beehive - Pleasure Suck (2017)
* 3teeth (Canada) - shutdown.exe (2017)

Ulaan Passerine - Moss Cathedral
* Duncan Mackay, Georg Voros (South Africa/UK) - The Bletchley Park Project (2017)
* David Cross Band - Sign of the Crow (2016)
* Magic Bus - Phillip the Egg (2017)....„UK Canterbury Prog”
* Big Hogg - Gargoyles (2017)....„UK Canterbury Psych Folk”
* The Cosmic Dead (Scotland) - Psych Is Dead -CD/LP- (2017)
* The Physics House Band - Mercury Fountain (2017)
* Magenta - We Are Legend (2017)
* Forest Swords (Matthew Barnes) - Compassion (2017)
* The Caretaker (Jim Kirby) - Everywhere at the End of Time: Stage 2 (2017)
* Arca (Alejandro Ghersi/Venezuela/UK) - Arca (2017)
* Gnod – Just Say No to the Psycho Right-Wing Capitalist Fascist Industrial Death Machine (2017)
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