...Descoperiri, completări, rememorări, influențe:
Bobin Jon Michael Eirth. a.k.a B'eirth, a.k.a. B'ee:
* In Gowan Ring (B'ee) – Compendium 2019 (2019)
....."folk psihedelic, muzică renascentistă" (conform Wikipedia), sau "folk acoustic / avant-folk experimental / medieval folk / nature occult psychedelic folk symbolism / symbolist folk / wyrd / wyrdfolk / Germany" (conform bandcamp.com). Artizanul principal al trupei este sus-numitul:
B'ee: „guitar, cittern, harps (both mouth harps and folk harps), harmonica, recorder, reeds and flutes”:
- In Gowan Ring (B'ee) – Hazel Steps Revisited (2019)
- In Gowan Ring (B'ee) – Compendium 2015 (2015)
- In Gowan Ring (B'ee) – The Serpent And The Dove (2015)
- In Gowan Ring (B'ee) – Visions Of Shadows That Shine (2015)
- In Gowan Ring (B'ee) – The Glinting Spade Revisited (2013)
- Birch Book (B'ee) – Vol. II - Fortune & Folly (2006)
-In Gowan Ring – A Song, A Story And A Stone (2015):

* After Dinner (Japan) – Souvenir Cassette -C-46- (Recommended Records-UK, 1988; Zero Records-Japan, 1988....MiniDisc / Cassette, Fish Prints/ReR Megacorp)
...Vocalista Haco a fost atracția acestui grup avangardist cu 3 albume în anii '80, alte formule la care a contribuit fiind Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso UFO, Hoahio, Synapse, Yesterday's Heroes....o artistă multiinstrumentistă, producătoare și ingineră de sunet, instalații video și workshop-uri meritând un portret separat pentru că și-a dezvoltat, cel mai bine în cariera solo -peste 10 albume-, un stil de artă personală „bazată pe principiile „post-punk, electroacoustics, the avant-garde, improvisation, post-rock, environmental sound, and technology”, conform discogs.com.
-After Dinner - Souvenir Cassette (FULL ALBUM):
Mic set ajutător recomandabil cu Haco, excluzând albumele solo:
* After Dinner (Japan) – Glass Tube (Kang-Gung LP, 1984 / Arcàngelo CD, 2005)
* After Dinner (Japan) – Paradise of Replica / Paradise of Remixes (RecRec/Zero, 1989 / Detector, 2000)
* Hoahio (Japan) – Happy Mail (Amoebic, 1997)
* Hoahio (Japan) – Ohay! Hoahio! (Tzadik, 2000)
* Hoahio (Japan) – Peek-Ara-Boo (Tzadik, 2003)
* Hughscore (Hugh Hopper) – Delta Flora (Cuneiform, 1999)
* Synapse (Japan) – Raw (Tzadik, 2005)
* Yesterday's Heroes (Terre Thaemlitz & Haco) – 1979 (La Louche Qui Fait Déborder Le Vase, 2003)

* The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion – ACME-Plus (1999)
* The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion – Now I Got Worry (2010)
-The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Acme Plus - Not Yet:
.....Fred Chalenor (R.I.P...), Elaine di Falco & Henry Franzoni....
-Since the 11th:
....La final, 4 pepite valoroase de prog/art-rock ce pot îmbogății orice arhivă/colecție care se respectă, indiferent suportul de sunet:
* Grobschnitt (Germany) – Rockpommel's Land -2 CD- (1977, 2015)
-Rockpommels Land:
* Le Orme (Italy) – Felona e/and Sorona -Remaster Deluxe Edition- (1973, 2016)
-Le Orme-Felona e Sorona-Ritorno Al Nulla:
* Marian Varga /(&) Collegium Musicum (Cehoslovacia) – Divergencie -2 LP/2 CD- (1981)
-COLLEGiUM MUSiCUM :: PF (1982, 1983, ....) (SK 1981):
* Big Hogg (Scotland) – Big Hogg (S/T) (2015)
Suport: - Big Hogg - Gargoyles (2017)...."UK Canterbury Psych Folk"
-Big Hogg - When we were young:
* Michael Sherwood & Christian Nesmith – Groovy Lemon Pie (2015)
....R.I.P...Michael Sherwood (60) (keybs & vocals), fratele lui Billy Sherwood.
-Crayos - Christian Nesmith & Michael Sherwood:
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